Fancy Gadam celebrates Dagbon peace with new song ‘Abudu Andani’

Tamale-based award-winning artiste Fancy Gadam has in a new song titled ‘Abudu Andani’ paid a glowing tribute to the Dagbon Kingdom for their newly found peace.

The kingdom had for the past 17 years been ripped apart by a protracted chieftaincy conflict between two royal gates – Abudus and Andanis – a situation that claimed many lives and left several others maimed.

But a new chapter has been opened in the area with the enskinment and the subsequent investiture of Ya-Na Abukari Mahama II as the new overload of the Kingdom.

This latest development in Dagbon occasioned joyous celebrations in and around the traditional area.

As one of the most influential artistes in the region, Fancy Gadam, Monday released a song titled ‘Abudu Andani’ to reiterate the need for sustained peace in Dagbon.

The song, which came with beautiful visuals in a traditional setting, tells a story of a young man and a young woman who would have otherwise lost their relationship if the issues between the two gates were not resolved.

He used the music and its video to paint a picture of how beautiful things will be with the new dawn of peace in Dagbon, urging all indigenes to forge forward and forget the past.



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