Rawlings calls for transparency, fairness in NDC presidential primaries

Founder of the largest opposition party, the National Democratic Congress, Jerry John Rawlings has called on his party to conduct the ongoing presidential primaries with fairness and transparency.

Rawlings also extended his best wishes to the seven aspirants contesting inthe election.

“Let’s conduct today’s presidential primaries with dignity, transparency and fairness. My best wishes to all the candidates,” the Former President stated in a tweet.

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Let’s conduct today’s presidential primaries with dignity, transparency and fairness. My best wishes to all the candidates.Most of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) delegates have begun casting ballots in the party’s presidential primaries.

About 260,000 delegates are expected to vote in the election in all constituencies nationwide under the supervision of the Electoral Commission.

The party has opted for a decentralized polling station approach for the polls to save time and ensure efficiency.


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