More than 4,000 school children petition government to prioritise oral health

Over 4,000 Ghanaian school children who were present at this year’s World Oral Health Day grand durbar submitted a petition to the government of Ghana to make oral healthcare a priority in the country.

This was initiated by Pepsodent as part of its plea to the government to act on mouth health to the state of oral health in Ghana and beyond.

The colourful ceremony brought many influential people from the Ghanaian political, media, health and entertainment sectors. Dentists educated the children on the importance of brushing day and night and the correct brushing technique, to enable children grow up confident with great smiles.

The first ever global audit of the impact of oral care on the development and performance of children, which included children in Ghana, discovered that the quality of a child’s oral care has repercussions beyond just health; it limits a Ghanaian child’s potential.

According to the study, in the past 12 months, over 65% of Ghanaian children suffered from tooth decay or bad breath. On average, 29% of children have missed school due to poor oral health in the last year

The Chief of Staff took the petition in good faith and promised to deliver their request to parliament.




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